PLEASE READ!!! The majority of our industrial listings are derived from
the sales data of the carburetor manufacturers. As such, this listing may be
incomplete, or contain errors. In any event, if a repair kit is listed, it
WILL fit the listed carburetor. We welcome documented additions or
corrections to this listing.
We make our own carburetor rebuilding kits. All components of all kits are
made in the U.S.A. We currently have listings for 82,000 carburetors, and
offer more than 3,000 different rebuilding kits. We continually are updating
the listings, and researching additional kits. We offer kits for the
following categories: passenger, truck, tractor, industial, marine, military,
agricultural, and some import and small engine. We will not produce kits for
either aircraft or LPG carburetors. Excluding small engine our kit coverage
for U.S.A. produced carburetors is:
1974-1925 99.9 percent
1925-1912 80 percent
1911-1902 approximately 20 percent
Carburetor kits do not all contain the same components. As an example, OUR
kit for 1965 Pontiac GTO with Carter 4 barrel AFB contains the following:
gasket set including flange gasket, fuel valves (needles and seats), complete
accelerator pump, pump return spring, pump inlet check valve, pump discharge
check valve, idle mixture screws, primary metering jets, step-up pistons,
step-up piston springs, and pin springs. If you wish to know what you are
buying, please ask when you telephone us. We will be happy to look up the
bill-of-material for your kit while you are on the telephone. Sorry, this
courtesy cannot be extended to e-mail or fax.
applications and repairs kits for applications beginning with the letter “A”
A.C.F. Brill Applications and
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
A.C.F. Brill 1938 29P Zenith 457-1
521 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1939 29P Zenith 457-1
521 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1940 29P Zenith 457-1
521 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1941 H16 w/Hall Scott Zenith 63AW16D
374 S 1024
A.C.F. Brill 1941 29P Zenith 457-1
521 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1941 Hall Scott Zenith 63AW16 373 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1941 H.S. 162 Zenith 158-1 128
S 2082
A.C.F. Brill 1941 31 S Zenith
457-1 7S
297932 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1941 29PB Zenith
457-1 147 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1941 41S Zenith 63AW16D
9914O 579244 1024
Brill 1942 41S Zenith 63AW16D
9914O 579244 1024
A.C.F. Brill 1942 H.S. 162 Zenith 158-1 128
S 2082
A.C.F. Brill 1942 H16 w/Hall Scott Zenith 63AW16D 374
S 1024
A.C.F. Brill 1942 Hall Scott Zenith 63AW16 373 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1942 29P Zenith 457-1
521 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1942 41S Zenith 63AW16
641 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1942 31 S Zenith
457-1 7S
297932 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1942 29PB Zenith
457-1 147 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1942 6
707 45S
Zenith 63AW16D 615 S 1024
A.C.F. Brill 1942 6
707 455
Zenith 63AW16 642 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1942 6
707 37PBS
Zenith 63AW16 613 S 3536
Brill 1943 29PB
Zenith 457-1 147
S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1943 29P Zenith 457-1
521 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1943 31 S Zenith
457-1 7S
297932 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1943 6
707 37PBS
Zenith 63AW16 613 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1943 6
707 455
Zenith 63AW16 642 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1944 29PB Zenith
457-1 147 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1944 31 S Zenith
457-1 7S
297932 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1944 6
707 37PBS
Zenith 63AW16 613 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1944 6
707 455
Zenith 63AW16 642 S 3536
Brill 1945 31 S Zenith 457-1 7S 297932 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1945 29PB Zenith
457-1 147 S 2084
A.C.F. Brill 1945 6
707 455 Zenith 63AW16 642 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1946 6
707 455
Zenith 63AW16 642 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1947 6
707 455
Zenith 63AW16 642 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1948 6
707 455
Zenith 63AW16 642 S 3536
A.C.F. Brill 1950 6
707 C44
Zenith 63AW16 11098O 998105
A.C.F. Brill 1951 6
707 C44
Zenith 63AW16 11098O 998105 3536
Brill 1952 6 707 C44 Zenith 63AW16 11098O 998105
A.C.F. Brill 1953 6 707 C44 Zenith
63AW16 11098O
998105 3536
A.M.C. Applications and kits
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
A.M.C. 1972 4
134 F-4
Carter YF 6291S 999994 3127
Acadia Applications and kits
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
Acadia 1932 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1933 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291 S 2079
Acadia 1934 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1935 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1936 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1937 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1938 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1939 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1940 Industrial Zenith
155M3 291 S 2079
Acadia 1941 Industrial Zenith 155M3 291
S 2079
Acadia 1946 HIXB Zenith
63AW10 1345S 1021
Acadia 1947 HIXB Zenith
63AW10 1345S 1021
Acadia 1948 HIXB Zenith
63AW10 1345S 1021
Acadia 1949
Zenith 63AW10 1345S 1021
Acadia Gas Applications and kits
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Acadia Gas 1955 Zenith 63M2E10 11865O 703
Acme Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | - - - - - - - - - - -
- Carburetor - - - Kit
Acme 1918
Kingston E 267
Acme 1923 4
425 Special Machinery
Stromberg M-3 1531
Acme 1924 4
425 Special Machinery
Stromberg M-3 1531
Acme 1925 4
425 Special Machinery
Stromberg M-3 1531
Acme 1926 4
425 Special Machinery
Stromberg M-3 1531
Acme Road Applications and kits
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
Acme Road Stromberg
SF-4 158 4 1527
Acme Road
4 251 Stromberg SF-2 158 1 1482
Acme Road
4 350 Stromberg SF-2 158 3
Acme Road
4 425 Stromberg SF-3 158 2
Adams Applications
and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Adams 1913 Railway inspection car Schebler L
Advance-Rumely Applications and
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
Advance-Rumel 1926 4
251 Combine
Zenith T5T 4503O 3238
Advance-Rumel 1926 4
Zenith T5XF O
Advance-Rumel 1926 4
264 Combine
Zenith T5T 4503O 3238
Advance-Rumel 1929 4 173 Combine Zenith
94TO 4908O 2262
Aircooled Motor Applications and
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Aircooled 1942 4 Zenith
63AW10C 690 S 1021
Aircooled 1942 Zenith 63AW11C 652 S 1022
Alamo Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carburetor - - - Kit
Alamo 1924 2
79 Light Plant
Zenith TS4 3922O
Allied Machinery Applications and
Make Year Engine
Model | - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carburetor - - - Kit
Allied 1931 4
Zenith 94TOS 5386 2262
Allied 1932 4
Zenith 94TOS 5386 2262
Allied 1933 4
Zenith 94TOS 5386 2262
Allied 1934 4
Zenith 94TOS 5386
Allis Chalmers Applications and
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
Power unit 226
Marvel-Sc TSX
853 236568 1751
Stromberg SF-2 128 3 1482
Combine G-230
Marvel-Sc TSX 821
1127400 1747
Power unit G-262
Marvel-Sc TSX
783 4511814 1747
Lift truck ACP-40,50
Marvel-Sc TSX
1002 4881389 1751
Lift truck ACP-40,50
Marvel-Sc TSX
1001 4878289 1751
Lf tr ACC-35,55,ACP-40,50
Marvel-Sc TSX
992 4857218 1751
Allis Lift truck ACC-35,
55 Marvel-Sc TSX 990 4856670 1742
Lift truck
Marvel-Sc TSX
1003 4884718 1742
Allis Harvester B Marvel-Sc TSX 719 1122922 1751
Harvester AR
Marvel-Sc TSX
591 1117029 1747
Combine G-230 Marvel-Sc TSX 918 4515662 1747
Combine G-230
Marvel-Sc TSX
876 4514705 1747
Lift truck
Marvel-Sc TSX 986 4858222 1742
Allis 1920 4
382 Light plant
Stromberg M-2 1530
Allis 1921 4
382 Light plant
Stromberg M-2
Allis 1922 4
382 Light plant
Stromberg M-2 1530
Allis 1923 4
382 Light plant
Stromberg M-2 1530
Allis 1924 4
382 Light plant
Stromberg M-2 1530
Allis 1925 4
382 Light plant
Stromberg M-2 1530
Allis 1929 4
318 Combine
Zenith 94TO 5295O 2262
Allis 1930 3 combine Zenith 62A9 1261
S 689
Allis 1930 4
210 Zenith 94TO 5910O 2262
Allis 1930 6
677 Harvester
Zenith 157 5911O 2081
Allis 1931 3 combine Zenith 62A9 1261 S 689
Allis 1931 6
844 L90 (Front)
Zenith C6EV 6259 3221
Allis 1932 3 combine Zenith
62A9 1261 S 689
Allis 1932 Combine (Hillside #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1932 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1932 Combine (Prairie #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1932 Combine (Hillside #1) Zenith 4503
Allis 1932 6
844 L90 (Front) Zenith C6EV
6259 3221
Allis 1933 3 combine Zenith 62A9 1261
S 689
Allis 1933 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1933 Combine (Prairie #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1933 Combine (Hillside #1) Zenith 4503
Allis 1933 Combine (Hillside #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1933 4
301 U40
Zenith K5AC 6817 U-2212 611
Allis 1933 4
511 E60, EP Zenith C6EV
5434O AM41027 701
Allis 1933 6
844 L90 (Front)
Zenith C6EV 6259 3221
Allis 1934 Combine (Hillside #1) Zenith 4503 K5D-6266
Allis 1934 Combine (Hillside #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1934 Combine (Prairie #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1934 Combine (Prairie #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1934 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1934 3 combine Zenith 62A9 1261 S 689
Allis 1934 4
301 U40
Zenith K5AC 6817 U-2212 611
Allis 1934 4
511 E60, EP
Zenith C6EV 5434O AM41027
Allis 1934 6
844 L90 (Front)
Zenith C6EV 6259 3221
Allis 1935 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1935 3 combine Zenith 62A9 1261
S 689
Allis 1935 Combine (Hillside #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1935 Combine (Hillside #1)
4503 K5D-6266
Allis 1935 4
301 U40
Zenith K5AC 6817 U-2212 611
Allis 1935 4
511 E60, EP
Zenith C6EV 5434O AM41027 701
Allis 1935 6
844 L90 (Front)
Zenith C6EV 6259 3221
Allis 1936 Combine (Prairie #3) Zenith
4551 K5D-9426
Allis 1936 3 combine Zenith 62A9 1261
S 689
Allis 1936 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1936 Combine (Hillside #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1936 4
301 U40
Zenith K5AC 6817 U-2212 611
Allis 1936 4
511 E60, EP Zenith C6EV
5434O AM41027 701
Allis 1936 6
844 L90 (Front)
Zenith C6EV 6259 3221
Allis 1937 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1937 Combine (Hillside #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1937 Combine (Prairie #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1937 4 301 U40 Zenith K5AC 6817
U-2212 611
Allis 1937 4
511 E60, EP
Zenith C6EV 5434O AM41027 701
Allis 1937 6
844 L90 (Front)
Zenith C6EV 6259 3221
Allis 1938 Combine (Hillside #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1938 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1938 Combine (Prairie #3) Zenith 4551
Allis 1938 4
116 B15
Zenith 61AJ7 8561 206989 614
Allis 1938 4
301 U40
Zenith K5AC 6817 U-2212 611
Allis 1938 4
511 E60, EP
Zenith C6EV 5434O AM41027 701
Allis 1938 6
844 L90 (Front)
Zenith C6EV 6259 3221
Allis 1939 B-125, 60-H Zenith 161J7 906
S 694
Allis 1939 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1939 4
116 B15
Zenith 61AJ7 8561 206989 614
Allis 1939 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1939 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1939 4
301 U40
Zenith K5AC 6817 U-2212 611
Allis 1939 4
511 E60, EP
Zenith C6EV 5434O AM41027 701
Allis 1940 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1940 B-125, 60-H Zenith
161J7 906 S 694
Allis 1940 4
116 B15
Zenith 61AJ7 8561 206989 614
Allis 1940 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1940 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1940 4
301 U40 Zenith K5AC
6817 U-2212 611
Allis 1940 4
511 E60, EP
Zenith C6EV 5434O AM41027 701
Allis 1941 B15 (Kerosene) Zenith 61AJ7 9635
211457 614
Allis 1941 B-125, 60-H Zenith 161J7 906
S 694
Allis 1941 Combine (Prairie #2) Zenith 4503
Allis 1941 Combine #60 (gasoline) Zenith 61AJ7
9804 211954 693
Allis 1941 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427
213019 688
Allis 1941 B-125, 60-H (Kerosene) Zenith 61AJ7 9805 211955 693
Allis 1941 B15 Zenith 61AJ7
9636 211456 614
Allis 1941 4 125 60-H Zenith 61AJ7 9492
209663 615
Allis 1941 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1941 4
511 E60, EP Zenith
C6EV 5434O
AM41027 701
Allis 1942 B15 Zenith 61AJ7
9636 211456 614
Allis 1942 WSP Motor grader Zenith 161X7 9707 213348 616
Allis 1942 Combine #60 (gasoline) Zenith 61AJ7
9804 211954 614
Allis 1942 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427 213019 688
Allis 1942 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1942 B-125, 60-H Zenith 161J7 906
S 694
Allis 1942 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1942 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1942 B15 (Kerosene)
Zenith 61AJ7 9635 211457 614
Allis 1942 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1942 4
125 60-H Zenith 61AJ7
9507 693
Allis 1943 B15 Zenith 61AJ7
9636 211456 614
Allis 1943 WSP Motor grader Zenith 161X7
9707 213348 616
Allis 1943 B-125, 60-H Zenith 161J7 906
S 694
Allis 1943 B-125 Zenith
161J7 864 S 694
Allis 1943 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1943 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427
213019 688
Allis 1943 Combine #60 (gasoline) Zenith 61AJ7
9804 211954 614
Allis 1943 B15 (Kerosene) Zenith 61AJ7 9635
211457 614
Allis 1943 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1943 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1944 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430
Allis 1944 WSP Motor grader Zenith 161X7
9707 213348 616
Allis 1944 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427
213019 688
Allis 1944 B-125, 60-H Zenith
161J7 906 S 694
Allis 1944 B-125 Zenith
161J7 864
S 694
Allis 1944 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1944 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663
Allis 1945 WSP Motor grader Zenith 161X7
9707 213348 616
Allis 1945 B-125 Zenith
161J7 864 S 694
Allis 1945 B-125, 60-H Zenith
161J7 906 S 694
Allis 1945 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427
213019 688
Allis 1945 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1945 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1945 4
125 60-H Zenith 61AJ7
9492 209663 615
Allis 1946 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1946 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1946 WSP Motor grader Zenith 161X7
9707 213348 616
Allis 1946 B-125 Zenith
161J7 864 S 694
Allis 1946 B-125, 60-H Zenith 161J7 906
S 694
Allis 1946 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1946 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427
213019 688
Allis 1946 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1946 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1947 Combine 60 Zenith 10698
212845 694
Allis 1947 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1947 B-125, 60-H Zenith 161J7 906
S 694
Allis 1947 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427
213019 688
Allis 1947 B-125 Zenith
161J7 864 S 694
Allis 1947 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204
219430 694
Allis 1947 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1947 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1948 E-563, E-60 Zenith 62AJ12 9427
213019 688
Allis 1948 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1948 B-125 Zenith
161J7 864 S 694
Allis 1948 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1585 S 694
Allis 1948 Roto-baler Zenith 161J7 10903 613
Allis 1948 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1948 B-125 Zenith 161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1948 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1948 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507
Allis 1949 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1949 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1585 S
Allis 1949 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1949 Roto-baler Zenith 161J7 10903 613
Allis 1949 D Motor grader Zenith 161X7 1203
219430 616
Allis 1949 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1949 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1949 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1950 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1950 Roto-baler Zenith 161J7 10903 613
Allis 1950 Combine 60 Zenith
10698 212845 694
Allis 1950 D Motor grader Zenith 161X7 1203
219430 616
Allis 1950 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1950 D Motor grader Zenith 161X7 10981
224749 616
Allis 1950 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1950 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1951 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1951 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1951 Roto-baler Zenith 161J7 10903 613
Allis 1951 D Motor grader Zenith 161X7 10981
224749 616
Allis 1951 D Motor grader Zenith 161X7 1203
219430 616
Allis 1951 B-125 Zenith
161J7 1204 219430 694
Allis 1951 4 125 60-H Zenith 61AJ7 9507 693
Allis 1951 4
125 60-H
Zenith 61AJ7 9492 209663 615
Allis 1952 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1952 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1952 Roto-baler Zenith 161J7 10903 613
Allis 1953 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1953 Roto-baler Zenith
161J7 10903 613
Allis 1953 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1954 Combine 60 Zenith 10698
212845 694
Allis 1954 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1955 Combine 60 Zenith 10698
212845 694
Allis 1955 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1956 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1956 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1957 Lift truck 4B153 Zenith 11447 689
Allis 1957 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1957 Combine 60 Zenith 10698 212845 694
Allis 1958 Combine 60 Zenith 10698
212845 694
Allis 1958 Combine 60 (Kerosene) Zenith 10697
212844 694
Allis 1958 Lift truck FC133 Zenith 68-7
12319O 4758732 695
Allis 1958 D-226 Zenith
267J9 12287O
230303 688
Allis 1958 Lift truck 6B230 Zenith 10890 689
Allis 1958 Lift truck 4B153 Zenith 162J9
12574O 4512589 689
Allis 1959 6B-273 Zenith
162J9 12504O
4503058 689
Allis 1959 Lift truck FC133 Zenith 68-7
12621O 4761810 695
Allis 1959 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12511O 4512410 688
Allis 1959 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1959 Lift truck 4B153 Zenith 162J9
12574O 4512589 689
Allis 1959 Lift truck 6B230 Zenith 11470 689
Allis 1960 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12511O
4512410 688
Allis 1960 Lift truck 6B230 Zenith 11470 689
Allis 1960 Lift truck G-153 Zenith 267J8
12629O 4514125 696
Allis 1960 Lift truck FC133 Zenith 68-7
12621O 4761810 695
Allis 1960 Lift truck G-153 Zenith 267J8
12551O 4512514 696
Allis 1960 Lift truck FC133 Zenith 68-7 12658O 4767738 695
Allis 1960 Lift truck 4B153 Zenith 162J9
12574O 4512589 689
Allis 1960 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7 12577O 233142 694
Allis 1960 D-226 Zenith
267J9 12590O
233628 696
Allis 1961 Lift truck G230 Zenith 267J8 12722O 4513624 696
Allis 1961 Lift truck 6B230 Zenith 11470 689
Allis 1961 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1961 D-226 Zenith
267J9 12590O
233628 696
Allis 1961 Lift truck G-153 Zenith
267J8 12629O
4514125 696
Allis 1961 Lift truck FC133
Zenith 68-7 12658O 4767738 695
Allis 1961
Zenith 62AJ10 12766O IEX-16553 689
Allis 1961 Lift truck G-153 Zenith 267J8
12551O 4512514 696
Allis 1961 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12777 4513850 688
Allis 1962 Lift truck FC133 Zenith 68-7 12658O 4767738 695
Allis 1962 Lift truck G-153 Zenith 267J8
12551O 4512514 696
Allis 1962 Lift truck G-153 Zenith 267J8 12629O
4514125 696
Allis 1962 Lift truck 6B230 Zenith 11470 689
Allis 1962 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1962 Lift truck G230 Zenith 267J8 12722O 4513624 696
Allis 1962 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12777 4513850 688
Allis 1962 Lift truck G230 Zenith 12820 696
Allis 1963 D-226 Zenith
267J9 12920 241144 696
Allis 1963 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464
Allis 1963 Lift truck G-153 Zenith 267J8
12551O 4512514 696
Allis 1963 Lift truck 6MB-230 Zenith 12880 696
Allis 1963 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1963 Lift truck G-153 Zenith 267J8 12629O 4514125 696
Allis 1963 Combine C, CH, CR Zenith 62A12
12957 4514890 688
Allis 1963 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12777 4513850
Allis 1963 Lift truck G230 Zenith 267J8 12722O 4513624 696
Allis 1963 Lift truck FC133 Zenith 68-7
12658O 4767738 695
Allis 1964 Combine C, CH, CR Zenith 62A12 12957 4514890 688
Allis 1964 D-226 Zenith
267J9 12920 241144 696
Allis 1964 G-138 Power unit
Zenith 161J7 12577O 233142 694
Allis 1964 G-230 Zenith
267J8 12974 4514971 696
Allis 1964 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1964 G-153 Zenith
267J8 12975 4514970 696
Allis 1965 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1965 Combine C, CH, CR Zenith 62A12
12957 4514890 688
Allis 1965 D-226 Zenith
267J9 12920 241144 696
Allis 1965 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1966 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1966 York lift truck Zenith 62A12 13148O 4515475 688
Allis 1966 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1966 G-138 Power unit Zenith
161J7 12577O
233142 694
Allis 1966 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1966 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1966 GMB230 Zenith
267J8 13151 4515564 696
Allis 1966 Combine C, CH, CR Zenith 62A12
12957 4514890 688
Allis 1967 G-2500 Zenith
62AJ12 13327 4022025 688
Allis 1967 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893
4515464 688
Allis 1967 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1967 GMB230 Zenith
267J8 13151 4515564 696
Allis 1967 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13343 4021886 688
Allis 1967 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1967 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1967 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1967 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1968 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1968 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7 12577O 233142 694
Allis 1968 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1968 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1968 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1968 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13343 4021886 688
Allis 1968 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1968 GMB230 Zenith
267J8 13151 4515564 696
Allis 1968 Combine with G-262 Zenith 62AJ12
13368 4516026 688
Allis 1968 G-2500 Zenith
62AJ12 13327 4022025 688
Allis 1968 4
Zenith 228AX11 13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1968 6
Zenith 228AX11 13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1969 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1969 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1969 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1969 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13343 4021886 688
Allis 1969 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1969 GMB230 Zenith
267J8 13151 4515564 696
Allis 1969 G-2500 Zenith
62AJ12 13327 4022025 688
Allis 1969 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1969 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1969 Combine with G-262 Zenith 62AJ12
13368 4516026 688
Allis 1969 4
Zenith 228AX11 13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1969 6
250 Zenith 228AX11 13414
1146884 1054
Allis 1969 6
265 G-2500
Marvel-Sc TSX
950 4022815 1751
Allis 1970 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1970 Combine with G-262 Zenith 62AJ12
13368 4516026 688
Allis 1970 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11 13580
1167810 1054
Allis 1970 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1970 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13343 4021886
Allis 1970 GMB230 Zenith
267J8 13151 4515564 696
Allis 1970 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1970 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1970 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1970 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1970 4
Zenith 228AX11 13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1970 6
250 Zenith 228AX11
13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1971 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11
13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1971 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1971 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925 1072
Allis 1971 GMB230 Zenith
267J8 13151 4515564 696
Allis 1971 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1971 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1971 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1971 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1971 G-2800
Zenith 62AJ12 13343 4021886 688
Allis 1971 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1971 4
153 Zenith 228AX11
13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1971 4
Zenith B267LVX9 13596 4516566 1072
Allis 1971 6
Zenith 228AX11 13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1972 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1972 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1972 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925 1072
Allis 1972 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11
13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1972 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7
12577O 233142 694
Allis 1972 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1972 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1972 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1972 4
153 Zenith B267LVX9 13596
4516566 1072
Allis 1972 4
Zenith 228AX11 13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1972 6
Zenith 228AX11 13414 1146884 1054
Allis 1972 6
Zenith 228AX11 13673 1170199 1054
Allis 1973 G-138 Power unit Zenith 161J7 12577O 233142 694
Allis 1973 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1973 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925
Allis 1973 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1973 G-153 Zenith
B68J8 13757 4848893 1063
Allis 1973 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1973 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1973 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11
13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1973 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1973 4
153 Zenith B267LVX9
13596 4516566 1072
Allis 1973 6
Zenith 228AX11 13673 1170199 1054
Allis 1974 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925 1072
Allis 1974 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11
13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1974 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1974 G-153 Zenith
B68J8 13757 4848893 1063
Allis 1974 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1974 G-153 Zenith
267J8 13153 4515463 696
Allis 1974 G-230 Zenith
267J8 13154 4515566 696
Allis 1974 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1974 4
Zenith B267LVX9 13596 4516566 1072
Allis 1974 6
250 Zenith 228AX11 13673
1170199 1054
Allis 1975 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925 1072
Allis 1975 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11 13580
1167810 1054
Allis 1975 G-153 Zenith
B68J8 13757 4848893 1063
Allis 1975 G-262 Zenith
62AJ12 12893 4515464 688
Allis 1975 G-2800 Zenith
62AJ12 13303 4021805 688
Allis 1975 D-226 Zenith
267J8 13161 247587 696
Allis 1975 4
Zenith B267LVX9 13596 4516566 1072
Allis 1975 6
Zenith 228AX11 13673 1170199 1054
Allis 1976 Combine 153, 250 Zenith
228AX11 13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1976 G-153 Zenith
B68J8 13757 4848893 1063
Allis 1976 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925 1072
Allis 1976 4
Zenith B267LVX9 13596 4516566 1072
Allis 1976 6
250 Zenith
228AX11 13673 1170199 1054
Allis 1976 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1977 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11 13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1977 G-153 Zenith
B68J8 13757 4848893 1063
Allis 1977 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925 1072
Allis 1977 4
Zenith B267LVX9 13596 4516566 1072
Allis 1977 6
Zenith 228AX11 13673 1170199 1054
Allis 1977 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1977 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
Allis 1978 G-153
Zenith B68J8 13757 4848893 1063
Allis 1978 G-230 Zenith
B267LVX9 13628 4516925 1072
Allis 1978 Combine 153, 250 Zenith
228AX11 13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1978 6
Zenith 228AX11 13673 1170199 1054
Allis 1978 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1978 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
Allis 1979 G-153 Zenith
B68J8 13757 4848893 1063
Allis 1979 Combine 153, 250 Zenith 228AX11
13580 1167810 1054
Allis 1979 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1979 6
Zenith 228AX11 13673 1170199 1054
Allis 1979 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
Allis 1980 F245 Continental Zenith 33AW8
13882 8611340 1086
Allis 1980 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1980 6
292 Zenith 228AX11 13815
1300757 1018
Allis 1981 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1981 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
Allis 1982 220, 330 Zenith 69JWX12 13924
8628131 698
Allis 1982 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1982 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
Allis 1983 220, 330 Zenith 69JWX12 13924 8628131
Allis 1983 F163 Continental (Repl) Zenith 267JX9
13956 8627505 697
Allis 1983 F135 Continental (Repl) Zenith 68J8
13957 8631608 695
Allis 1983 6 250 Zenith 228AX11 13810
1188608 1018
Allis 1983 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
Allis 1984 F135 Continental (Repl)
Zenith 68J8 13957 8631608 695
Allis 1984 F163 Continental (Repl) Zenith 267JX9
13956 8627505 697
Allis 1984 220, 330 Zenith
69JWX12 13924 8628131 698
Allis 1984 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1984 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
Allis 1985 220, 330 Zenith 69JWX12 13924
8628131 698
Allis 1985 F135 Continental (Repl) Zenith 68J8
13957 8631608 695
Allis 1985 F163 Continental (Repl) Zenith 267JX9
13956 8627505 697
Allis 1985 6
Zenith 228AX11 13810 1188608 1018
Allis 1985 6
Zenith 228AX11 13815 1300757 1018
American Carburetor and Foundry
Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Amer. Car &
1930 8 5051 860 Zenith 118C
5623 3204
American Tractor Applications and
Make Year Engine
Model | - - - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - -
- Kit
Amer. Tractor 1950 Terratrac Cont. F124 Zenith 161X7
10776 694
Amer. Tractor 1951 Terratrac Cont. F124 Zenith 161X7 10776 694
American Farm Applications and
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
American Farm 1940 Twin Standard Zenith R20T 9711O 3276
American Farm 1941 Twin Standard Zenith R20T 9711O 3276
American Farm 1949 Kinkade Zenith R20T
10925O 3276
American Farm 1950 Monarch, Walch Zenith 210A5 11123O 1050
American Farm 1950
Zenith 210A5 11010O 1050
American Farm 1951 Monarch, Walch Zenith 210A5 11123O 1050
American Farm 1951
Zenith 210A5 11010O 1050
American Farm 1952 Monarch, Walch Zenith 210A5 11123O 1050
American Farm 1952
Zenith 210A5 11010O 1050
American Farm 1953 Monarch, Walch Zenith
210A5 11123O 1050
American Farm 1953
Zenith 210A5 11010O 1050
American Farm and Machinery
Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
American Farm 1934 Monarch Twin Std Zenith R20T
7138O 3276
American Foundry
Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
American Stromberg
SFM-1 238 1 1707
American Hoist Applications and
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
American Stromberg
SF-3 175 4 1526
4 284 Stromberg SF-3 175 5
4 491 Stromberg SF-3 175 3
4 792 Stromberg SF-5 175 2
4 831 Stromberg SF-5 175 6
American 4
Stromberg SF-5 175 1 1528
4 982 Stromberg SF-5 175 7
American Turbopak Applications
and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
American 1975
Zenith 16P12 13792 1076
Ames Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Ames 1930 6
Zenith 96 5382O
Amtorg Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Amtorg 1929 6
Zenith 116 1/ 5994 3203
Amtorg 1930 6
Zenith 116 1/ 5994 3203
Amtorg 1930 6
Zenith 96.5 AXTO 5962
Amtorg 1931 6
Zenith 116 1/ 5994 3203
Amtorg 1931 6
Zenith 96.5 AXTO 5962
Amtorg 1932 6
Zenith 96.5 AXTO 5962
Amtorg 1933 6
Zenith 96.5 AXTO 5962
Armstrong Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Armstrong 1925
4 226 Zenith ST4 4078O 2970
Armstrong 1933 4
Zenith 94TO 4854 2262
Armstrong 1933 4
264 Zenith 94TO 4854 2262
Armstrong 1936
Zenith 455-2 6836 1048
Arthurdale Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Arthurdale 1939 6
Zenith 62AJX9 9434O 689
Austin Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
4 831 Stromberg SF-5 219 2
Austin 6 1188 Stromberg SF-5 219 1
Austin 1926 4
251 RD roller 5 ton
Zenith ST5 4573O 2971
Austin 1926 4
312 Sweeper
Zenith ST5 4575O 2971
Austin 1926 4
312 RD roller 7 ton
Zenith ST5 4574O 2971
Austin 1926 4
511 RD roller 10 ton Zenith U6
4572O 1671
Austin 1928 6
298 M sweeper
Zenith 114 1/2 4829O 3199
Austin 1929 4
264 Sweeper
Zenith 94 1/2 AX 5219O 2262
Austin 1929 4
511 M sweeper
Zenith 96 5213O
Austin 1929 6
331 M sweeper
Zenith 114 1/2 5051O 3199
Austin 1930 4
Zenith 155 5968O 2079
Austin 1930 4
Zenith 156 5985O 2080
Austin 1930 4
452 10 ton roller
Zenith 96ATO 5685O
Austin 1930 6
298 Grader
Zenith 96ATO 5525O
Austin 1930 6
298 Duel drive
Zenith 96ATO 5809O
Austin 1930 6
Zenith 156 5893O 2080
Austin 1930 6
298 Dual drive
Zenith 156 5876O 2080
Austin 1931 6 386 Grader Zenith
156 6078O 2080
Austin Machine Applications and
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - -
Austin Mach. Stromberg
SF-2 241 1 1482
Austin-Western Applications and
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Austin-Wester 1933 6
331 Sweeper
Zenith 455 765 S 1048
Austin-Wester 1936 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1937 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1937 6
Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1938 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1938 6
Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1939 6
369 Zenith 63AW12
920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1939 6
Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1940 6
369 Zenith 63AW12
920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1940 6
Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1941 6
325 Motor sweeper
Zenith 63AW12 9774 1022
Austin-Wester 1941 6
351 Autocrat
Zenith 62A12 9769 688
Austin-Wester 1941 6
351 3 WHL grader
Zenith 62A12 323 S 688
Austin-Wester 1941 6
Zenith 62A12 299 S 688
Austin-Wester 1941 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1941
6 393 Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1942 6
233 Roller IHC Green diamond
Zenith 28BV11R 9940 1020
Austin-Wester 1942 6 325 Zenith 457-2 519
S 2084
Austin-Wester 1942 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1942 6
393 Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1943
6 233 Roller IHC Green
diamond Zenith 28BV11R 9940 1020
Austin-Wester 1943 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1943 6
Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1944 4
452 Roller Herc. E
Zenith 63AW12(S) 1071 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1944 6
233 Roller IHC Green diamond
Zenith 28BV11R 9940 1020
Austin-Wester 1944 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1944 6
Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1945 4
452 Roller Herc. E
Zenith 63AW12(S) 1071 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1945 6
233 Roller IHC Green diamond
Zenith 28BV11R 9940 1020
Austin-Wester 1945 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1945 6
393 Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1946 6
233 Roller IHC Green diamond
Zenith 28BV11R 9940 1020
Austin-Wester 1946 6
331 Zenith 63AW10
1482 S 1021
Austin-Wester 1946 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1946 6
Zenith IN167SJ 1028 S 1040
Austin-Wester 1947 99H grader Zenith 63AW12 10509 1022
Austin-Wester 1947 Grader 77 Zenith 63AW12 10460O PG540B 1022
Austin-Wester 1947 6
233 Roller IHC Green diamond
Zenith 28BV11R 9940 1020
Austin-Wester 1947 6
Zenith 63AW10 1482 S 1021
Austin-Wester 1947 6
Zenith 63AW12 920 S 1022
Austin-Wester 1948 99H grader Zenith 63AW12 10509 1022
Austin-Wester 1948 Grader 77 Zenith
63AW12 10460O
PG540B 1022
Austin-Wester 1948 6
233 Roller IHC Green diamond
Zenith 28BV11R 9940 1020
Austin-Wester 1948 6
331 Zenith 63AW10 1482 S 1021
Austin-Wester 1949 99H grader Zenith 63AW12 10509 1022
Austin-Wester 1949 6
Zenith 63AW10 1482 S 1021
Austin-Wester 1949 6
393 88
Zenith 63AW12 10908 1022
Austin-Wester 1950 99H grader Zenith 63AW12 10509 1022
Austin-Wester 1950 6
393 88
Zenith 63AW12 10908 1022
Austin-Wester 1951 6
393 88
Zenith 63AW12 10908 1022
Austin-Wester 1952 6
393 88
Zenith 63AW12 10908 1022
Austin-Wester 1958 4
Zenith 228BV10 12362O 1095314 1018
Austin-Wester 1959 4
Zenith 228BV10 12362O 1095314 1018
Austin-Wester 1960 4
Zenith 228BV10 12362O 1095314 1018
Austin-Wester 1961 4
Zenith 228BV10 12362O 1095314 1018
Auto Engine Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Auto Engine 1928 Schebler S 264 1693
Automatic Machine Applications
and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - -
Automatic Stromberg UR
3/4 169 1
Automatic Transportation
Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Automatic Stromberg
URO-1 229 2
WV-525404 3119
Stromberg UR 3/4 229 1
WV-521451 2562
Automatic 1963 GLF
Lift Truck Zenith 12891 1018
Automotive Applications and kits
Make Year Engine
Model | -
- - - - - - - - - - - Carburetor - - - Kit
Automotive 1931 4
Zenith 94OG 7692 2262
Automotive 1931 6
Zenith IN155 6253
Automotive 1931 6
Zenith IN155 6240
Automotive 1931 6
Zenith IN155 6456
Automotive 1931 6
Zenith IN156B 5858 3277
Automotive 1931 6
Zenith IN157 5875 3278
Automotive 1932 4
Zenith 94OG 7692
Automotive 1932 6
Zenith IN155 6253
Automotive 1932 6
Zenith IN155 6240
Automotive 1932 6
Zenith IN155 6456
Automotive 1932 6
Zenith IN156B 5858 3277
Automotive 1932 6
Zenith IN157 5875 3278
Automotive 1933 4
Zenith 124 1/2 7436 617
Automotive 1933 4
Zenith 94OG 7692 2262
Automotive 1933 6
Zenith IN155 6253
Automotive 1933 6
Zenith IN155 6240
Automotive 1933 6
282 Zenith IN155 6456
Automotive 1933 6
Zenith IN185EFx1 7269 3468
Automotive 1933 6
Zenith IN156B 5858
Automotive 1933 6
Zenith IN157 5875 3278
Automotive 1934 4
Zenith TR20 6945 3231
Automotive 1934 4
Zenith 193 1/2 7482 3220
Automotive 1934 4
Zenith 124 1/2 7436 617
Automotive 1934
6 320 Zenith IN185EFx1 7269
Automotive 1935 4
Zenith TR20 6945 3231
Automotive 1935 4
113 Zenith 193 1/2 7482 3220
Automotive 1935 4
Zenith 124 1/2 7436 617
Automotive 1935 6
320 Zenith
IN185EFx1 7269 3468
Automotive 1936 4
Zenith TR20 6945 3231
Automotive 1936 4
Zenith 193 1/2 7482 3220
Automotive 1936 4
Zenith 124 1/2 7436 617
Automotive 1936 6
Zenith IN185EFx1 7269 3468
Avery Applications and kits
Make Year Engine Model | - - - - - - - - - -
- - Carburetor - - - Kit
Avery 1930 4
Zenith 94 TO 5508O 2262
Avery 1930 4
Zenith 94TO 5508O 2262
Avery 1930 4
284 B combine
Zenith T5T 5543O
Avery 1936 4
226 L, LA combine
Zenith 124 7241 617
Avery 1937 4
133 FM Harvester.
Zenith 193 1/2 8261 3220
Avery 1937 4
226 L, LA combine
Zenith 124 7241 617
Avery 1937 6
205 Ro-Trak
Zenith 124 1/2 8487 617
Avery 1937
6 282 B (Combine) Zenith 124 8239 617
Avery 1937 6
282 B combine
Zenith 455 8329 1048
Avery 1938 4
133 FM Harvester.
Zenith 193 1/2 8261 3220
Avery 1938 6
205 Ro-Trak
Zenith 124 1/2 8487 617
Avery 1938 6
282 B combine Zenith 455
8329 1048
Avery 1941 4
226 L,LA
Zenith 62AJ9(S) 9089 689
Avery 1942 4
226 L,LA
Zenith 62AJ9(S) 9089 689
Avery 1943 4
226 L,LA
Zenith 62AJ9(S) 9089 689
Avery 1944 4
226 L,LA
Zenith 62AJ9(S) 9089 689
Avery 1945 4
226 L,LA
Zenith 62AJ9(S) 9089 689
Avery 1946 4 284 B combine Zenith
62AX9(S) 10374 689