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All dimensions are in thousandths of an inch CARBURETOR NUMBER – This is the carburetor
identification number (I did not list the prefix 10 normally associated with
Marvel numbers. Thus the first entry 524 should be read as 10-524). FLOAT
ADJUSTMENTS Type 1 – updraft carburetor – measure from top of float when
closed to top of bowl casting with fuel valve closed. Type 2 – updraft carburetor – measure from BOTTOM of float
when closed to bowl casting with fuel valve closed. Type 3 – downdraft carburetor – measure from BOTTOM of float
to top of lower casting with fuel valve closed. AIRVALVE
CLEARANCE Measure the clearance from the bottom of airvalve to the
spacer block with the top of the airvalve seated against the throttle body.
Due to warpage (expansion) of the spacer block, normally one will need to
machine the spacer block to obtain this dimension. CAVIAT – The dimensions given below represent the
LATEST information in my possession. These dimensions, ESPECIALLY float
height, may not agree with information in a factory car service manual.
Marvel seemed to change the float dimension with the change of the moon! This
list is not a complete list of Marvel carburetors; but it is what I have. Carburetor
number Float height Type
Airvalve clearance range 524 0.625
1 0.009 0.017 544 0.625 1
0.009 0.017 587 0.625 1
0.008 0.013 592
0.625 1 0.009 0.017 610 0.625 1
0.008 0.013 611 0.625 1
0.006 0.010 617 0.5625 1
0.009 0.017 621 0.5625 1
0.008 0.013 633 0.625 1 0.008 0.013 637 0.34375 1
0.006 0.010 639 0.34375 1
0.006 0.010 642 0.5625 1 0.009 0.017 658 0.625 1
0.009 0.017 659 0.34375 1
0.009 0.017 661 0.5625
1 0.006 0.010 663 0.625 1
0.006 0.010 669 0.5625 1
0.006 0.010 671
0.34375 1 0.006 0.010 672 0.5625 1
0.009 0.017 673 0.625 1
0.008 0.013 676
0.625 1 0.008 0.013 677 0.625 1
0.008 0.013 686 0.297 1
0.008 0.013 688 0.297 1
0.006 0.010 690 0.297 1
0.006 0.010 693 0.297 1 0.008 0.013 695 0.297 1
0.008 0.013 696 0.297 1
0.008 0.014 697 0.297 1 0.006 0.010 705 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 707 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 708 0.34375
1 0.010 0.014 712 0.297 1
0.008 0.012 714 0.297 1
0.008 0.012 716
0.297 1 0.020 0.024 718 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 719 0.296875 1
0.020 0.024 721
0.34375 1 0.010 0.014 723 0.34375 1
0.010 0.014 725 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 733 0.3125 1
0.008 0.012 739 0.297 1
0.008 0.012 740 0.296875 1 0.008 0.012 748 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 750 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 752 0.34375 1 0.009 0.017 753 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 756 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 759 0.297
1 0.020 0.024 761 0.296875 1
0.020 0.024 764 0.297 1
0.020 0.024 770
0.297 1 0.020 0.024 773 0.297 1
0.008 0.014 775 0.46875 1
0.008 0.013 777 0.297 1
0.010 0.014 779 0.3125 1
0.010 0.014 780 0.3125 1
0.010 0.014 781 0.34375 1
0.010 0.014 783 0.296875 1
0.010 0.014 795 0.297 1 0.018
0.022 796 0.297 1
0.018 0.022 894 0.297 1
0.018 0.022 940 0.46875 1 0.008 0.013 941 0.46875 1
0.008 0.013 943 0.296875 1
0.020 0.024 946 0.34375
1 0.007 0.011 947 0.34375 1
0.007 0.011 949 0.296875 1
0.010 0.014 950
0.297 1 0.010 0.014 952 0.46875 1
0.008 0.013 955 0.34375 1
0.008 0.012 982 0.297 1
0.008 0.012 983 0.297 1
0.018 0.022 984 0.297 1
0.018 0.022 989 0.297 1
0.010 0.014 992 0.297 1
0.010 0.014 993 0.46875 1 0.008
0.013 995 0.34375 1
0.007 0.011 1501 0.297 1
0.018 0.022 1503 0.297 1 0.018 0.022 1505 0.34375 1
0.007 0.011 1506 0.34375 1
0.007 0.011 1508 0.34375
1 0.01 0.014 1511 0.34375 1
0.007 0.011 1514 1.1875 2
0.018 0.022 1515
1.1875 2 0.008 0.012 1518 1.1875 2
0.018 0.022 1530 0.34375 1
0.016 0.020 1531 0.34375 0 1534 0.297 1
0.010 0.014 1545 1.42875 3 1549 1.42875 3 1577 1.21875 2
0.008 0.012 1579 1.21875 2
0.008 0.012 1581 1.21875 2
0.008 0.012 1603 1.40625 3 1621 0.34375 1
0.016 0.020 1633 0.40625 1 1653 0.40625 3 1673 1.375 3 1678 1.375 3 1680 1.5 3 1690
1.375 3 1690 1.375 3 1691 1.375 3 1691 1.375 3 1692 1.5
3 1744 1.5 3 1749 0.40625 3 1750 0.40625 3 1751 0.40625 3 1752 0.40625 3 1762 0.25 3 1763 0.25 3 1765 1.375 3 1796
0.1875 3 1797 0.1875 3 1798 0.25 3 1799 0.25 3 1802 0.59375
3 1808 0.59375 3 1809 0.59375 3